User GuideΒΆ

Interaction with the model is accomplished by invoking the ITMAreadBLoss() function with the appropriate arguments. Refer to the API for a description of the arguments.

Here is a simple example:

from pyitm.itm import ITMAreadBLoss

# define arguments
EPS = 15.0
SGM = 0.005
EN0 = 301.0
ModVar = 2
deltaH = 90.0
tht_m = 10.0
rht_m = 1.0
TSiteCriteria = 1
RSiteCriteria = 0
radio_climate = 5
pol = 1
pctTime = 0.7
pctLoc = 0.5
pctConf = 0.90
dist_km = 10.0
frq_mhz = 100.0

dbloss = ITMAreadBLoss(ModVar, deltaH, tht_m, rht_m, dist_km,
                       TSiteCriteria, RSiteCriteria, EPS, SGM, EN0,
                       frq_mhz, radio_climate, pol, pctTime, pctLoc, pctConf)

print("dbloss: {}dB".format(round(dbloss, 2)))